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Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck and Guidebook


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A Journey into the Collective Unconscious

Embark on a journey of self-discovery with the wholly original Wild Unknown Archetypes Box Set. Crafted by the renowned New York Times bestselling author Kim Krans, this set delves deep into the collective unconscious, bridging dreams and myths.

The Power of Archetypes

Kim Krans illuminates the timeless power of archetypes—universal symbols that have stood the test of time and resonate within our shared psyche. Illustrated in Krans’s distinctive style that combines elegant line art with lush watercolour, each card in The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck offers profound insights into our complex personalities.

A Tool for Self-Exploration

This beautifully designed box set includes 78 circular oracle cards, each belonging to one of four suits: the selves, the places, the tools, and the initiations. Accompanied by a 224-page fully illustrated guidebook, this deck promises an enriching experience. Whether you’re drawn to personal study or fascinated by symbology, The Wild Unknown Archetypes Box Set is a timeless keepsake destined to enchant and inspire.